diumenge, 14 de maig del 2017


As I said in my other post about human rights, I will be focusing in the 2nd article: ''Don't discriminate''. I wanted to dig deeper with this right and I thought that a news about the several terrorists attacks that we've suffered lately are a clear example of discrimination. For example, I choose the most recent in the European culture, the attack on Westminster's Parliament in London.

The attack began when one man was driving crazily down the street in the Tower Bridge of London, harrassing brutally the pedestrians. He managed to kill four of them and injured over fifty other pedestrians.After that fatality, he crushed his car in front of the Parliament, where it was taking place a political reunion, and was shot to death a few moments later by a police officer.
Resultat d'imatges de westminster attackBut this is just another tragedy of this awful attacks. I think that it's completely brutal to see people killing another people just because they have different ideologies when it comes to religion. Also, I have to stand out that, unfourtanetly, the occidental media doesn't pay the attention that it deserves the constants attacks that the people in Siria are receiving. They only show to world the attacks in places like, France, the UK, Germany, etc. The people that are suffering this kind of things, either if they're Sirian or French, they should be treated and taking care as equal. If we don't, then we are being hypocrite and we're also discriminating.

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