diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016


This science article it's called ''The sky where the stars don't flicker'' and this scientists explain us why is this phenomenon possible.
To see this amazing and particular sky you'll have to travel all the way to South America, in a region called Paranal in the Atacama desert, best known to be the most arid location in the world. Because of the lack of rain and humidity, there aren't many things separiting our sight from the stars and that's how we can see a lot of them and perfectly shining. 
vlt-mw-potw_ESO-HHHeyerThis fact has brought many astronomers to this place and they have establish their centrals there for studying the universe from the most arid location in the Earth. Also, It's becoming quite a touristic place because of its amazing views of the sky. 
Personally, I think that is very interesting and useful to be able to do work from this place because it seems that It shows us a view of the universe that we hadn't seen until now. Scientists and astronomers can have a better look at the sky and hopefully find something beneficial and worthing to us. 


Have you ever wondered why movies change their title completly when they've been translated? In this article you have the explanation with some spanish and french movies.

Resultat d'imatges de jaws tiburonOne of the reasons of the translation is due to cultural factors, beacuse this way the title attracks more attention from the public in that specific country. 
Resultat d'imatges de el diario de noaAnother typical change made in this cases is to replace the general concept of the title in Englsih to something more concrete and specific in Spanish, for example ''The notebook'' / ''El Diario de Noa''.  Also, in the famous movie called ''Jaws'' in English and '' Tiburón'' in Spanish, they followed the same pattern but instead, the general title was in Spanish and the specific one was in English.
From this article, we can easily see that this replacement is the most popular in this kind of translations and It's the most used in our country. I think that it is a good thing to be done, because, as the author explains in the article, it's a better way to approach the public into the movie.


diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2016


For almost a year, the presidential election in the US has caught all the media atention, especially due the republican candidate, Donald Trump. 
The two final candidates were Hillary Clinton, from the democratic party, and Donald Trump, from the republican party. Both candidates were criticize for one thing or another and were named the most unpopular candidates of the US history. 
Resultat d'imatges de donald trumpDonald Trump was the one who caused more controversy because he is known in the US as a reality show star who had never been involved in politics, that's why many people were upset and surprised of his election. Also, he stated very racists speeches against black and latin people, women and homosexuals, and somehow a big part of the Americans supported him. 
Resultat d'imatges de hillary clintonHillary Clinton, also caused polemic because a lot of people said that she should to be in jail, not in the White House. She defended the rights of women, black and latin people, homosexuals... That's why she got supported so much and was seen as the best choice to be president. 
But the results went against everyone's expectation and Donald Trump won the elections. This result made a lot people upset and a lot of protests are being held now against the election of the new president. 


This year, 2016, in October, November and December all the full moons will be in its closest point to the Earth, giving them the name of Supermoon. 
On november 14th we would be able to watch the next Supermoon, but unfortunately in our country it will be daytime when the moon will reach its full phase, so we won't be able to appreciate it very well. Apart for being the brightest and closest supermoon of 2016, It's also the largest since 1948. Also we can consider ourselves lucky, because it won't be till 2034 when the moon will be this close to our planet.
Resultat d'imatges de supermoon 2016
I think that It's a very interesting thing and that we are very unlucky to see this great phenomen at daytime, but we're also lucky to see it. A lot of people are very excited because, as you may know, the moon is consider as a very powerful symbol and is associated to many things like the powers of the sea or fertility. 


Nowadays, fashion is a very important thing in  our society and influences a lot. But its influence it's not always a good thing.
Personally, I think that fashion  helps us to express ourselves in the way that we dress and defines who we want to show to the world. Also, shops only sell specific clothes and that defines a prototype that we should  wear this and if you don't, people will look bad at you. That's the main reason why some people critizies fashion so much. 
Resultat d'imatges de fashion
I also think that If we all wore what is fashionable at the moment, we would wear very similar clothes and we'll look like we have zero personality. Fashion is meant to be something that helps you define who you are through clothes, not to follow some rules that say what is cool and what isn't. 
Finally, I just want to say that I think that we shouldn't wear something that we don't like just because It's popular and cool. We have to be comfortable with our clothes and don't be ashamed of them just because it's not fashionable.


It is clear that everyone has laughed at some point of their life, but can you imagine a life without humour?
In my opinion, humour does play an important role in our lives, in fact, I think It's essential for us and It's also proved by scientists that laughter improves our health, making us feel less stressed, in a good mood and relaxed.
Many people find laughing a hard thing to do, however It's so easy to have a funny time, for example watching funny films, telling jokes and even do silly things with your friends.
I also believe that It helps you to be more comfortable around new people because If you meet someone who's cheerful and funny you'd feel more welcomed than with someone who's serious and in a bad mood. 
To sum up, I think that we all have to be thankful that we have humour in our life because otherwise we will be almost like robots, boring and without feelings.