dijous, 25 de maig del 2017


We finally achieved the end of 2n Batxillerat, meaning the end of high school. Through all these years we have learn so many things in our English classes and in the last two years, we had to create a blog in which we had to post some tasks and news. But mainly, we had to write about our thoughts and the topics we wanted to discuss about, improving our writing skills and learning new vocabularies. And in this final post I will be doing a final review of this blog, starting to comment the first post with the most recent one.


If we travel back to 2014, we can find one of the very first posts that I write on my blog. It is called My Hero and from what I can see It wasn't a very elaborated post. I only said who he was and a few things that I like. If I had to do this now I probably would have added more things and tried to be more specific with everything. Thinking that proves that now I am more able to write more and better without the difficulties that I once had. 
Resultat d'imatges de writingAnother important thing that I notice is that I  talked about really mainstream topics like my favorite music or tv shows, my friends and family, etc. And now one of the things that I focus more on is trying to find interesting topic or news to talk about, making more orignial my posts. Besides, I try to use more connectors, phrasal verbs, the new grammar that I learnt or using synonims, because like that I don't repeat the same word over and over again. And with all this facts, I thik that I improved my posts and my English a lot in this lasts years.
Through all these years, we had done a few oral presentations or oral tasks like podcasts. I didn't enjoyed doing them because I am a very shy person and that led to my fear of talking i public, even if that public were my classmates. I always was very nervous and I couldn't concentrate on what I was saying, but It usually ended up very well and with my personal satisfaction. Surprisingly, this last year I threw that fear away due to all the oral presentations that I had to do for my Research Project. That's why I think my best oral presentation was about my research project because I wasn't nervous and I felt confident in front of my class. And, believe me, I was really glad and relieved that I got through that shy state that I was having. But, this can't avoid the fact that my other presentations weren't good because I enjoyed many of them. I remember one that I've done with Mar Oliva and Paula Caball last year that was about the evolution of fashion, a topic that I found really interesting.
Resultat d'imatges de english language
And, if we talk about my favorite writing, I think that I will have to choose the your-say that I did about our society and how it is making people more insecure about their behaviour and how they look.
To sum up, I just want to say that this blog has been a really good idea because it helped us a lot to improve our English and our writing skills. So, I do think that my Englsish has improved in many ways and I hope that it keeps getting better. 

diumenge, 14 de maig del 2017


Rare Albino Orangutan Rescued From Captivity In Indonesia
Recently, conservationists rescued the five-year-old albino orangutan, a member of the species from captivity in Borneo, Indonesia. Due to all her fragile characteristics, white hair and bright eyes, she's at a very high level of risk.

She was kept captive for two days with a local family but now she's been taking care of in a special place prepared to her condition.

Albino OrangutanUnfortunately, she lost her mother and that was followed by this illegal capture, which will be a trauma that she'll have to recover of as soon as possible by the experts. Also, the population of the Bornean species experienced sharp declines in recent years and that's a sign that we'll have to take care of the world if we want to keep seeing those amazing and beautiful animals.
Basically, this article is trying to warn us about the species that are in danger and how things like that can affect to them in a really negative way because, even though we see them as just animals, they have the same feelings as humans.


Huge Mystery Sea Creature Washes Ashore In Indonesia, Turns The Water Red
Asrul Tuanakota was the one who found the strange animal and he thought it was a stranded boat. But soon, he realized that he had found some mysterious sea creature that had appeared dead on the shore and  had turned the surrounding water red. Also, the animal weights approximately four elephants.

Indonesia Sea CreatureSome locals inhabitants have identified the mystery creature as a giant squid. However, Marcus Chua of Singapore’s Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum told that there are no records of giant squids in the waters of Indonesia.Some peole states that it may be some kind of whale as well. But the conditions of the animal's body can't help to define what is this mysterious creature.
I think that this kind of news show us how much of the world we still have to find out and that many of the legends and miths that we know, may be true due to all this unknowledge and I find that it's pretty exciting.


Police Rescue 14-Year-Old Locked Up By Parents Since Birth

Police in the Israeli city of Hadera found a 14 year-old boy in a really bad conditions inside the family's courtyard from what seems a long time. The family had moved from Russia to Israel in 2006 but they never reported that they had a son and never registred him in school. Also it seems that the parents had taken their son into the building’s courtyard at night once or twice a month. 
Many Cages
The lawyer in defense of the parents claims that the decision to keep him inside was to “protect the boy, who had mental health problems.” But one neighbor states that he saw the boy looking like a zombie and that he seemed to need help as soon as possible.
Personally, I can't believe that a thing like this happens nowadays, and never I would think that someone could do this to their own son. It's a very criminal act and It should have several consecuences because who knows what that poor boy has been through during all these years.


Can you imagine living in a place so extreme that in summer it never gets dark and in winter darkness is all you see?
Well, I thought that It will be intersting to see how is living in one of the most remote places in Human Civilization, like the town of Alert in Canada.
Alert is the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world, being only 817km away from the North Pole. The number of inhabitants is around 62 people living there permanently and some ''hosts'' like military forces or scientintist and ecologists.

Remote Places Alert Canada
Personally I think that it should be a really nice experience to go there some time and relax from all the issues of the consumism world. Living there must be really hard for the people because their weather conditions are extreme and the life is not easy when it comes to this certain circumstances. But I think that for the people living in a big city, it could be an interesting experiment to spend some time there, enjoying the natural enviroment and, mainly, respecting it. Because we don't take the care that we should be showing to the nature due to all the facilities that we have in our countries. 


As I said in my other post about human rights, I will be focusing in the 2nd article: ''Don't discriminate''. I wanted to dig deeper with this right and I thought that a news about the several terrorists attacks that we've suffered lately are a clear example of discrimination. For example, I choose the most recent in the European culture, the attack on Westminster's Parliament in London.

The attack began when one man was driving crazily down the street in the Tower Bridge of London, harrassing brutally the pedestrians. He managed to kill four of them and injured over fifty other pedestrians.After that fatality, he crushed his car in front of the Parliament, where it was taking place a political reunion, and was shot to death a few moments later by a police officer.
Resultat d'imatges de westminster attackBut this is just another tragedy of this awful attacks. I think that it's completely brutal to see people killing another people just because they have different ideologies when it comes to religion. Also, I have to stand out that, unfourtanetly, the occidental media doesn't pay the attention that it deserves the constants attacks that the people in Siria are receiving. They only show to world the attacks in places like, France, the UK, Germany, etc. The people that are suffering this kind of things, either if they're Sirian or French, they should be treated and taking care as equal. If we don't, then we are being hypocrite and we're also discriminating.


This year is our last one in high school. It has been a long way since we first started in 1st of ESO. I remember how we were really scared and excited the first day and it's really interesting to see that I have the same feeling now that I'm leaving high school. 
Resultat d'imatges de it's not the end it's just the beginning quote
Through all these years we met a lot of people, and some of them will be some of the friends that we will never forget and the ones that we will keep in touch with. But, obviously, it's really hard to keep in contact with everyone and maybe some friends that are really close to us now, will never appear again in our lives. And that's why we all are anxious about leaving, because there's this sad and hard moment when we will have to say goodbye.

On the other hand, another thing is expecting us: university. It will be one of the most significant changes from our lives because we'll have to be away from home and start to be independent. We'll have to make defining choices like what are we going to study, where, etc. It sure will be really challenging and maybe hard to handle sometimes, but those years can be the best ones of our lives and the many new experiences that we'll have will make it worth.